2020年6月17日 星期三

保良局 – 清末進士岑光樾



在上星期的 #保良建築see 中,提及過門廊位置的對聯由最後一次科舉的進士岑光樾太史所寫的,今天的在家看保良就帶大家認識一下這位書法家吧!

岑光樾出身於廣東順德,於1904 年參加最後一次科舉並獲賜進士。他期後留學日本,回國後於翰林院任職。他與香港緣份始於 1925 年,當時他受邀到成達書院講授中文和國學,除了於在淪陷時短暫回返鄉避難外,一直在香港專注於發展教育事業,桃李滿門。

岑光樾書法造詣很高,經常受邀撰寫招牌對聯,現今東華義莊大門的對聯及香港仔華人永遠墳場的牌匾亦見他的題字;本局中座大樓也不例外,而且更有七副由他所撰書的對聯及碑刻呢!這批對聯及碑刻全撰於四十至五十年代,當中最早的圖中位於玄關右邊1944 年的「胡公文虎紀念辭」。



Po Learn From Home – Imperial Scholar Cen Guangyue

In last week’s Po Learn Architecture, we mentioned the couplets at the front porch was written by a former Qing Jinshi (Imperial scholar), Cen Guangyue. Today we are giving you some backgrounds about this calligrapher!

Cen was born in Shunde District, Guangdong. He participated in the last Chinese Imperial examination in 1904, getting the title of Jinshi, and became an Imperial scholar in the Qing court. After studying aboard in Japan, Cen returned to China and worked in the Hanlin Academy. His relations with Hong Kong began in 1925, when he was invited to teach Chinese and Chinese Studies in Hong Kong; except the time of him taking refuge in Guangdong during Japanese Occupation, Cen remained in Hong Kong and focused on education, nurturing many pupils.

With a high attainment in calligraphy, Cen was frequently invited to write couplets and plaques. His works can be found at Tung Wah Coffin Home, Aberdeen Chinese Permanent Cemetery, and of course, here at the Main Building of Po Leung Kuk! All seven couplets and memorial plaques of Cen in our Main Building were commissioned between 1940s and 1950s, the earliest among them is the “Memorial Plaque of Aw Boon Haw” to the right of the entrance.

The seal of “Hezen” (literally crane-zen) is the hao (art name) of Cen, representing his retirement from pursuing fame and fortune. Cen also had the title of “Jiachen Hanlin” (Hanlin class of 1904) and used it as one of his seals. You will recognise Cen’s works when you see these seals.

Next time when you visit Po Leung Kuk Main Building, don’t forget to take a look at our couplets and memorial plaques, and appreciate works of the calligrapher !



  位於佐敦官涌的廖孖記腐乳王, 除了家傳戶繞的腐乳外, 還有其他醬料出售 2024 年 7 月因被發現產品是大陸來料加工後, 第四代存人決定關門大吉, 結束這個香港品牌 圖片源自 Yahoo HK & Sky Post